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Impatient Virgin P-51B Mustang, Wampus Cat, Grumman F8F Bearcat

Impatient Virgin P-51B Mustang, Wampus Cat, Grumman F8F Bearcat

Photo - Impatient Virgin P-51B Mustang, Wampus Cat, Grumman F8F Bearcat Information

Description: Impatient Virgin P-51B Mustang

Between 1944–1945, the Impatient Virgin flew more than 700 hours for the 376th North American Fighter Squadron in England. The P-51B that is now Impatient Virgin flew only about 25 hours before sustaining irreparable damage. After a rather interesting crash, our plane lay scattered in a British beet field for more than a half-century, when it was rediscovered and “harvested” by extremely patient archaeologists

Wampus Cat, Grumman F8F Bearcat

“Biggest engine, least airframe” was the Grumman Aircraft Corporation’s motto for the F8F Bearcat. The plane serves as an example of evolving innovation— the hallmark of great aircraft companies. All the Grumman “cats” were built in response to the need for fighters that could stalk their prey by night. With the F8F, Grumman delivered an aircraft that was lighter and more maneuverable than the Hellcat and managed Naval carrier takeoffs and landings that the twin-engine Tigercat couldn’t handle. The Bearcat flew circles around the North American P-51 Mustangs, the Supermarine Spitfire, and even early model jets.

Both planes are owned by Historic Flight at Kilo-6 Paine Field WA
Keywords: Impatient, Virgin, P-51B, Mustang, Wampus, Cat, Grumman, F8F, Bearcat
Date: 06.09.2010 17:54
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