Capt Tom Kolesnik, searchmaster, discusses procedures with Moe Shpak and Al Fraser - volunteer spotters from CASARA Winnipeg who are in Norman Wells assisting with search operations.
Clear weather and hours of northern daylight are helping military and civilian searchers in the extensive aerial search.
The search track is 630 nautical miles (1200 kilometres) long by 30 nautical miles (55 kilometres) wide in the area between Peace River and Norman Wells.
“Right now we have a search and rescue headquarters deployed out of Norman Wells,” says Captain Jeff Noel, public affairs officer for 17 Wing Winnipeg, Man.
“Currently we have two CC-130 Hercules from 435 Squadron, Winnipeg, one Buffalo aircraft from 19 Wing Comox, one Twin Otter from Yellowknife, one CH-146 Griffon from 417 Squadron in Cold Lake, a Canadian Coast Guard Bell 212 helicopter and five Civilian Air Search and Rescue Association (CASARA) aircraft plus personnel in Edmonton, Peace River, Fort McMurray, Alberta and Norman Wells here in the Northwest Territories.”
Searchmaster Captain Tom Kolesnik says the mood is positive among military and civilian searchers.
“We are into day four of a major search, both air and ground as required. We have been searching both day and night as there is very little darkness. We are searching around the clock. It is a massive search area that is both level land, hilly and mountainous. All of the Air Force, Coast Guard and CASARA personnel are extremely motivated and anxious to rescue the individual involved.”
A toll-free number has now been activated for tips from the public at 1-877-417-7898.